Winter Programme 2020-21

This winter, the pandemic has made indoor meetings this winter highly unlikely, therefore outdoor meetings will be extended into the winter months.  Meetings may need to be amended in line with any new or amended government Coronavirus restrictions. The general secretary will issue guidance, prior to a meeting, on how attendance at a meeting will be affected. If you are not able to receive emails, or can not access the website, then let the secretary know so she can arrange to contact you in some other way.

Field meetings may be subject to last minute changes due to weather, etc, so it is helpful if we know if you are coming.

For outdoor meetings wear stout footwear and suitable weather wear. For moth nights bring a torch, hot drink and warm clothes. Please note that attendance at field meetings is at your own risk. Children under 16 should be accompanied by an adult.

Working parties at Lindholme will usually be on the first Sunday of the month, depending on the weather. Please let Louise know if you are coming.

Members are welcome to attend any of our meetings. For non-members, please contact the general secretary if you would like to attend any of our meetings as a guest. For further information and directions contact the general secretary at enquiries “at” .

Date Meeting
Sun 6 British Plant Gall Society meeting to Kings Wood nr Bawtry. Meet at SK651945 at 10:30am. Further information from Tom Higginbottom 01302 725978 or
Wed 9 Grave’s Park, Sheffield. British Plant Gall Society. Meet at 10:30 at SK357825.
Mon 14 From Monday 14 September, gatherings of more than six people will be illegal due to concerns around the number of daily positive Covid-19 cases in the UK rising to almost 3,000.
  Until further notice, the general secretary will advice, by email to members, the arrangement for society meetings. 

Despite these difficult times, we will be continuing with some outdoor meetings, but these will be restricted to society members only, and will be in line with Government restrictions that apply at the time.

Of course, individuals are encouraged to continue independent survey work, but for group meetings, and only where permitted, members will be split into groups of six, with a designated leader for each group if required.

Proposed meetings through December and January will include a visit to Potteric Carr to observe the starling murmuration, a harvest mouse nest hunt, continuation of conservation work at Lindholm and a new year’s walk around Adwick Washlands.

For February and beyond nothing has as yet been planned. At the moment, we have an invite to visit Loversall Carr and some of the more inaccessible fenny areas within Potteric Carr being led by Jim Horsfall of Potteric Carr, but dates have yet to be arranged. In addition, we will be continuing with survey work at Denaby Ings throughout the year.

Members will be kept up to date by the general secretary with dates, meeting times and venues of all events.

We would be pleased to receive any suggestions from members for forthcoming spring meetings in locations that can offer interesting flora and/or fauna. Submit your proposals to the Programme Secretary, Joyce Simmons