Doncaster Naturalists’ Society
Founded 1880

Constitution (accepted by members at the A.G.M. 1991)

1. The name of the group shall be the Doncaster Naturalists’ Society

2. The aims of the Society shall be to encourage interest in all aspects of Natural History and to promote the conservation of wildlife and the protection of habitats, mainly within the area covered by the Doncaster Metropolitan Borough.

3. Membership of the Society shall be open to anyone interested in furthering the aims of the Society.
a) An annual subscription shall be payable by each member and, this shall become due on the day immediately following the Annual General Meeting.
b) Rates of Subscription (covering such classes as agreed by the Executive Committee) shall be determined by the Committee and recommended for approval at the A.G.M..

4. The Executive Committee
a) Shall be composed of 7(seven) officers comprising
       Immediate Past President
       General Secretary
       Minutes Secretary
       Programme Secretary
       Conservation Officer
b) Shall meet at least twice a year, a quorum to consist of 4 members, the Chairman having a casting vote.
c) Shall have the power to deal with all administrative matters including finance in order to further the best interests of the Society.
d) Shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising during the year, and co-opt any extra members whenever deemed necessary.
e) Shall have the power to appoint Honorary Life Members where appropriate.

5. Appointment of Officers

a) The President ( who shall also be the chairman of the Executive Committee ) shall be nominated to serve for a term of two years, thereafter becoming the Immediate Past President. ( Should no new candidate be forthcoming, the term of the incumbent President may be extended, subject to the recommendation of the Committee and the approval of the Committee and the approval of the A.G.M.
b) All officers of the Executive committee ( other than the President) shall be elected annually. Retiring committee members shall be eligible for re-election. Any society member wishing to stand for the committee shall be eligible for election, provided that there is a proposer and a seconder for his/her nomination. Should there be more than one nomination, a ballot will be held.

c) Details of all Executive Committee meetings and all Ordinary Indoor Meetings shall be recorded in the appropriate minute books. These minutes shall be confirmed at each subsequent meeting and signed by the President. (In the event of the absence of the President from any committee meeting or ordinary meeting, then that office shall be filled by the Immediate Past- President, or by any other Past- President).

6. The Finances of the Society shall be under the control of the Treasurer, who shall keep a regular account of receipts and payments, and who shall present a provisional balance sheet to the Executive Committee at least 14 days before the A.G.M. The financial year shall run from Jan. 1st. to Dec. 31st. in any given year.

7. The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the month of January on a date and place to be decided by the Executive Committee.
The business of the A.G.M. shall be:-
a) to receive from the Officers reports on the Society’s activities during the previous year.
b) to receive from the Treasurer, and to approve, the statements of accounts covering the previous year.
c) to elect the Officers of the Executive Committee for the ensuring year.
d) to transact any other relevant Society business.

8. The Executive Committee shall have the power to call an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time. It shall also be required to do so within 28 days of the receipt of written notification, signed by no less than one-third of the existing membership, and specifying the business for which the meeting is to be called. The business to be transacted must appear on the Agenda, and no other business may be discussed.

9. Any additions or amendments to the rules of the constitution may be made only at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Society called especially for the purpose; and then only if the proposed additions or amendments receive not less than two-thirds of the votes of the Society members present.

10. A copy of the Society’s current constitution shall be given to each member of the Society.