Leader : Louise Hill.
Meet : at 11 am at Moorends SE699158 (DN8 4NA).
Objective : A walk of 6km looking for Dingy Skippers and Sea Campion.
The weather forecast was for a intermitten rain showers, and it was not wrong. Perhaps it was this that was responsible for a reduced turnout of just five members, lead by Joyce and Paul. Despite the weather, a most enjoyable day was had.
We started with a visit to view the resident Little Owl (as does everyone), the we had a Marsh Harrier fly over the car park, followed quickly by a heron. Then a Whitethroat was heard and seen feeding its young by the toilet block, then a Cetti’s Warbler callimg from the bushes, meaning we had nine species recorded before leaving the car park.
We were immediately impresswed by the number of Swift patrolling the sky at all levels; the count would well have exceeded a hundred if it had been possible to count such a rapid flight of these birds.
Another numerous bird we encounted throught the day was the Reed Bunting which could be heard and seen perching the amongst the low bushes.
However, the anticipated sightings of the Bitten and Black-necked Grebe did not happen for us. Perhaps we did not venture into their territory, dispite being advised by the site wardens in the car park, that they were showing well, the Bitten even had been seen with a chick. Perhaps another visit to this enchanting site (in better weather) might reveal them.
Common name | Scientific name |
Graylag Goose | Anser anser |
Mute Swan | Cygnus olor |
Shoveler | Anas clypeata |
Gadwall | Anas strepera |
Mallard | Anas platyrhynchos |
Pochard | Aythya ferina |
Tufted Duck | Aythya fuligula |
Pheasant | Phasianus colchicus |
Little Grebe (Dabchick) | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
Great Crested Grebe | Podiceps cristatus |
Feral Pigeon | Columba livia |
Wood Pigeon | Columba palumbus |
Swift | Apus apus |
Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus |
Coot | Fulica atra |
Lapwing | Vanellus vanellus |
Redshank | Tringa totanus |
Black-headed Gull | Chroicocephalus ridibundus |
Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo |
Marsh Harrier | Circus aeruginosus |
Red Kite | Milvus milvus |
Buzzard | Buteo buteo |
Little Owl | Athene noctua |
Magpie | Pica pica |
Crow | Corvus corone |
Skylark | Alauda arvensis |
Sedge Warbler | Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
Swallow | Hirundo rustica |
Sand Martin | Riparia riparia |
House Martin | Delichon urbica |
Willow Warbler | Phylloscopus trochilus |
Garden Warbler | Sylvia borin |
Whitethroat (common) | Sylvia communis |
Robin | Erithacus rubecula |
Reed Bunting | Emberiza schoeniclus |
Lesser Black-backed Gull | Larus fuscus |
Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus |
Common Tern | Sterna hirundo |
Heron | Ardea cinerea |
Cetti’s Warbler | Cettia cetti |
Leaders : Paul & Joyce Simmons
Meet : at 10:30 am in car park at North Anston Parish Hall. SK521842 (S25 4DL)
Leaders : Louise Hill
Meet : at 10:30 am at Rossington, near Brodsworth Way Pavillion (DN11 0FD.)
Taxonomic Name | Vernacular Name |
Vascualr Plants | |
Acer campestre | Field Maple |
Acer platanoides | Norway Maple |
Acer pseudoplatanus | Sycamore |
Alnus glutinosa | Common Alder |
Alopecurus pratensis | Meadow Foxtail |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal-grass |
Anthriscus sylvestris | Cow Parsley |
Artemisa vulgaris | Mugwort |
Betula pendula | Silver Birch |
Bryonia dioica | White Bryony |
Buddleja davidii | Buddleia |
Carpinus betulus | Hornbeam |
Cerastium fontanum | Mouse-ear |
Cerasus serrulata | Cherry (flowering) |
Chamerion angustifolium | Rosebay |
Circium arvense | Creeping Thistle |
Cirsium vulgare | Spear Thistle |
Corylus avellana | Hazel |
Corylus maxima Purpurea | Hazel (Purple) |
Crataegus monogyna | Hawthorn |
Cruciata laevipes | Crosswort |
Dactylis glomerata | Cock’s-foot Grass |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove |
Euonymus europaeus | Spindle |
Ficaria verna | Lesser Celandine |
Fraxinus excelsior | Ash |
Galium aparine | Cleavers |
Geranium molle | Dove’s-foot Cranesbill |
Hedera helix | Ivy |
Heracleum sphondylium | Hogweed |
Hyacinthoides hispanica | Spanish Bluebell |
Hyacinthoides non-scripta | Bluebell |
Juglans regia | Walnut |
Lamium album | White Deadnettle |
Lamium purpureum | Red Deadnettle |
Nothofagus sp. | Southern Beech (SE/6609 only) |
Plantago lanceolata | Lanceolate Plantain |
Plantago major | Rat-tail Plantain |
Poa annua | Annual Meadow-grass |
Poa pratensis | Smooth Meadow-grass |
Populus sp. | Poplar sp. |
Prunus pardus | Bird Cherry |
Prunus spinose | Blackthorn (+ Pocket Plum gall) |
Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken |
Quercus robur | Common (Pedunculate) Oak |
Ranunculus bulbosus | Buttercup (Bulbus) |
Ranunculus repens | Buttercup (Creeping) |
Rosa canina | Dog Rose |
Rosa sp. | Rose sp. |
Rubus frutucosus | Bramble |
Rumex obtusifolius | Broad Dock |
Salix caprea | Goat Willow |
Sisymbrium officinale | Hedge Mustard |
Sorbus aucuparia | Rowan |
Stellaria holostea | Great Stitchwort |
Taraxacum agg. | Dandelion |
Taxus baccata | Yew |
Ulex europaeus | Gorse (on sandy bank on northern boundary) |
Ulmus glabra | Elm |
Urtica dioica | Stinging nettle |
Veronica chamaedrys | Germander Speedwell |
Veronica hederifolia | Ivy-leaved Speedwell |
Viburnum opulus | Guelder Rose |
Vicia sativa | Common Vetch |
Viola riviniana | Dog Violet |
Buteo buteo | Buzzard |
Corvus corone | Carrion Crow |
Corvus monedula | Jackdaw |
Erithacus rubecula | Robin |
Sylvia communis | Whitethroat |
Columba palumbus | Wood Pigeon |
Talpa europaea | Mole (hills) |
Celastrina argiolus | Holly Blue Butterfly |
Anthocharis cardamines | Orange Tip Butterfly |
Aglias urtcae | Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly |
Palomena prasina | Green Shield Bug |
Harmonia axyridis | Harlequin Ladybird |
Aceria fraxinivora | Cauliflower Gall on Ash flower |
Cecidophyes rouhollahi | Gall on Cleavers |
C.A. Howes
Taxonomic Name | Vernacular Name |
Acer pseudoplatanus | Sycamore |
Alliaria petiolata | Garlic Mustard |
Betula pendula | Silver Birch |
Carex sylvatica | Wood Sedge |
Ceratocapnos claviculata | Climbing corydalis |
Chamerion angustifolium | Rosebay |
Corylus avellana | Hazel |
Crataegus monogyna | Hawthorn |
Dactylis glomerata | Cock’s-foot Grass |
Digitalis purpurea | Foxglove |
Ficaria verna | Lesser Celandine |
Galium aparine | Cleavers |
Geranium molle | Dove’s-foot Cranesbill |
Geranium robertianum | Herb Robert |
Geum urbanum | Wood Avens |
Heracleum sphondylium | Hogweed |
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire Fog |
Holcus mollis | Creeping Soft-grass |
Hyacinthoides non-scripta | Bluebell |
Ilex aquifolium | Holly |
Juncus effusus | Soft Rush |
Lamium album | White Deadnettle |
Larix decidua | European Larch |
Lonicera periclymenum | Honeysuckle |
Moeringia trinervia | Three-nerved Sandwort |
Pteridium aquilinum | Bracken |
Quercus robur | Common (Pedunculate) Oak |
Ranunculus repens | Buttercup (Creeping) |
Rubus frutucosus agg. | Bramble |
Rumex acetosella | Sheep’s Sorrel |
Rumex obtusifolius | Broad Dock |
Sambucus nigra | Elder |
Silene dioica | Red Campion |
Sisymbrium officinale | Hedge Mustard |
Sorbus aucuparia | Rowan |
Stachys sylvatica | Hedge Woundwort |
Stellaria holostea | Great Stitchwort |
Taxus baccata | Yew |
Teucreum scorodonia | Wood Sage |
Ulex europaeus | Gorse |
Urtica dioica | Stinging nettle |
Veronica hederifolia | Ivy-leaved Speedwell |
Veronica perpyllifolia | Thyme-leaved Speedwell |
Viola riviniana | Dog Violet |
Fomes fomentarius | Hoof Fungus on dead Birch |
Fomitopsis betulinus | Birch Bracket Polypore on dead Birch |
Hypholoma fasciculare | Sulphur Tuft Fungus on dead Birch |
Anthrocharis cardamine | Orange-tip Butterfly |
Columba palumbus | Wood Pigeon |
Cyanistes caeruleus | Bluetit |
Erithacus rubecula | Robin |
Parus major | Great Tit (calling) |
Phylloscopus collybita | Chiffchaff (singing) |
Sitta europaea | Nuthatch |
Sylvia atricapilla | Blackcap (singing) |
Troglodytes troglodytes | Wren (singing) |
Turdus merula | Blackbird (singing) |
Oryctolagus cunicula | Rabbit |
Sciurus carolinensis | Grey Squirrel |
C.A. Howes.
Leader : Louise Hill
Meet 4.30 am at Straight Mile Car Park, Sandal Beat Wood for a gentle stroll of 2 km around Woodman’s Trail, Sandal Beat Wood.